Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Saddest Day

Yesterday, I was just too sad and too exhausted to blog. The realization that it had been one week since Goliath's passing was very hard on me. It was one of those days when I was too sad to even cry. All I could possibly do was gasp for air.

My precious, beautiful, beloved baby passed "quietly in his sleep" around 6am on Monday, January 17, 2011.  And so it was, just as it was in the Holy Bible, David defeated Goliath. And in my story- aspiration pneumonia acted as the mighty David, who in the end triumphed over my little Goliath. He was a fighter up until the very end, but David-or pneumonia- was just too much. Now my Goliath sits with God. My little 6 year old friend tells me that "In heaven, there are golden roads and Goliath is walking on them with God. But dont worry, he is safe because there are no cars in heaven." I pray every day that he is right, and one day I can walk on the golden roads of heaven, with little Goliath by my side =)

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